Seasonal produce in Winter months - what to eat now.

Vic Road Kitchen is all about using seasonal produce and changing our menu every week based on what is in season, fresh and most of … tastes good. As the weather turns colder, it is tempting to hibernate and not venture out. But Winter brings a plethora of great produce that deserves our attention!

The winter months at Vic Road Kitchen

The colder months mean the root vegetables are ready for harvest and we see pumpkins, butternut squash, celeriac, Jerusalem artichokes, cabbages, yam and brussel sprouts coming into the kitchen.

Winter fruits are also available - not only is citrus ready but quince, pears, apples and tamarillos. Bar Manager Ronan is having lots of fun infusing spirits with these fruits to create amazing tasting tamarillo gin or apple vodka. Watch out for some new cocktails featuring these.

While the weather is chilly, the menu at Vic Road Kitchen also turns towards heartier dishes. We welcome proteins to slow cook and braise, reducing stocks to create sumptuous, rich and warming dishes.


Deep fried brussel spouts side dish. Don’t think about how your mother used to boil them for hours… we deep fry ours making them crunchy, smoky and delicious. Usually paired with a sweet apple or quince jam and chilli - this dish will change how you think about them!

Roasted jerusalem artichokes roasted with poached pear, stracciatella and crispy cavolo nero.

Both of these dishes are On the menu at Vic Road Kitchen now